Command-Line Interface


compute-feats-from-kaldi-tables -h
usage: compute-feats-from-kaldi-tables [-h] [-v VERBOSE] [--config CONFIG]
                                       [--print-args PRINT_ARGS]
                                       [--min-duration MIN_DURATION]
                                       [--channel CHANNEL]
                                       [--preprocess PREPROCESS]
                                       [--postprocess POSTPROCESS]
                                       [--seed SEED]
                                       wav_rspecifier feats_wspecifier

Store features from a kaldi archive in a kaldi archive

    This command is intended to replace Kaldi's ( series of
    "compute-<something>-feats" scripts in a Kaldi pipeline.

positional arguments:
  wav_rspecifier        Input wave table rspecifier
  feats_wspecifier      Output feature table wspecifier
  computer_config       JSON file or string to configure a
                        'pydrobert.speech.compute.FrameComputer' object to
                        calculate features with

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v VERBOSE, --verbose VERBOSE
                        Verbose level (higher->more logging)
  --config CONFIG
  --print-args PRINT_ARGS
  --min-duration MIN_DURATION
                        Min duration of segments to process (in seconds)
  --channel CHANNEL     Channel to draw audio from. Default is to assume mono
  --preprocess PREPROCESS
                        JSON list of configurations for
                        'pydrobert.speech.pre.PreProcessor' objects. Audio
                        will be preprocessed in the same order as the list
  --postprocess POSTPROCESS
                        JSON List of configurations for
                        '' objects.
                        Features will be postprocessed in the same order as
                        the list
  --seed SEED           A random seed used for determinism. This affects
                        operations like dithering. If unset, a seed will be
                        generated at the moment


usage: signals-to-torch-feat-dir [-h] [--channel CHANNEL]
                                 [--preprocess PREPROCESS]
                                 [--postprocess POSTPROCESS]
                                 [--force-as {npz,wav,table,hdf5,pt,soundfile,aiff,ogg,sph,flac,file,npy,kaldi}]
                                 [--seed SEED] [--file-prefix FILE_PREFIX]
                                 [--file-suffix FILE_SUFFIX]
                                 [--num-workers NUM_WORKERS]
                                 map [computer_config] dir

Convert a map of signals to a torch SpectDataSet

    This command serves to process audio signals and convert them into a format that can
    be leveraged by "SpectDataSet" in "pydrobert-pytorch"
    ( It reads in a text file of

        <utt_id_1> <path_to_signal_1>
        <utt_id_2> <path_to_signal_2>

    computes features according to passed-in settings, and stores them in the
    target directory as


    Each signal is read using the utility "pydrobert.speech.util.read_signal()", which
    is a bit slow, but very robust to different file types (such as wave files, hdf5,
    numpy binaries, or Pytorch binaries). A signal is expected to have shape (C, S),
    where C is some number of channels and S is some number of samples. The
    signal can have shape (S,) if the flag "--channels" is set to "-1".

    Features are output as "torch.FloatTensor" of shape "(T, F)", where "T" is some
    number of frames and "F" is some number of filters.

    No checks are performed to ensure that read signals match the feature computer's
    sampling rate (this info may not even exist for some sources).

positional arguments:
  map                   Path to the file containing (<utterance>, <path>)
  computer_config       JSON file or string to configure a
                        pydrobert.speech.compute.FrameComputer object to
                        calculate features with. If unspecified, the audio
                        (with channels removed) will be stored directly with
                        shape (S, 1), where S is the number of samples
  dir                   Directory to output features to. If the directory does
                        not exist, it will be created

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --channel CHANNEL     Channel to draw audio from. Default is to assume mono
  --preprocess PREPROCESS
                        JSON list of configurations for
                        'pydrobert.speech.pre.PreProcessor' objects. Audio
                        will be preprocessed in the same order as the list
  --postprocess POSTPROCESS
                        JSON List of configurations for
                        '' objects.
                        Features will be postprocessed in the same order as
                        the list
  --force-as {npz,wav,table,hdf5,pt,soundfile,aiff,ogg,sph,flac,file,npy,kaldi}
                        Force the paths in 'map' to be interpreted as a
                        specific type of data. table: kaldi table (key is
                        utterance id); wav: wave file; hdf5: HDF5 archive (key
                        is utterance id); npy: Numpy binary; npz: numpy
                        archive (key is utterance id); pt: PyTorch binary;
                        sph: NIST SPHERE file; kaldi: kaldi object; file:
                        numpy.fromfile binary. soundfile: force soundfile
  --seed SEED           A random seed used for determinism. This affects
                        operations like dithering. If unset, a seed will be
                        generated at the moment
  --file-prefix FILE_PREFIX
                        The file prefix indicating a torch data file
  --file-suffix FILE_SUFFIX
                        The file suffix indicating a torch data file
  --num-workers NUM_WORKERS
                        The number of workers simultaneously computing
                        features. Should not affect determinism when used in
                        tandem with --seed. '0' means all work is done on the
                        main thread