Source code for pydrobert.speech.torch

# Copyright 2023 Sean Robertson

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""PyTorch compatibility module

This submodule is intended to provide PyTorch implementations of the components critical
to feature computation. It is not meant to comprehensively reproduce all functionality
in PyTorch. Each PyTorch module here contains a class method which initializes the
PyTorch module with some analogous Numpy instance discussed elsewhere. For example,
assuming `stft_frame_computer` is an instance of a
:class:`pydrobert.speech.STFTFrameComputer`, one may instantiate a
:class:`PyTorchSTFTFrameComputer` via

>>> pytorch_stft_frame_computer = PyTorchSTFTFrameComputer.from_stft_frame_computer(
...     stft_frame_computer)


import math

from typing import Collection, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple
import warnings

import torch

from . import config
from .pre import Dither, Preemphasize
from .post import PostProcessor
from .compute import STFTFrameComputer, SIFrameComputer

    from typing import Self, Literal
except ImportError:
    from typing_extensions import Self, Literal

__all__ = [

def check_in(name: str, val: str, choices: Collection[str]):
    if val not in choices:
        choices = "', '".join(sorted(choices))
        raise ValueError(f"Expected {name} to be one of '{choices}'; got '{val}'")

def check_positive(name: str, val, nonnegative=False):
    pos = "non-negative" if nonnegative else "positive"
    if val < 0 or (val == 0 and not nonnegative):
        raise ValueError(f"Expected {name} to be {pos}; got {val}")

[docs] def pytorch_preemphasize(sig: torch.Tensor, coeff: float = 0.97) -> torch.Tensor: """Functional implementation of PyTorchPreemphasize""" sig = torch.concatenate([sig.new_zeros(1), sig]) return sig[1:] - coeff * sig[:-1]
[docs] class PyTorchPreemphasize(torch.nn.Module): """PyTorch implementation of Preemphasize Parameters ---------- coeff Preemphasis coefficient """ __constants__ = ("coeff",) coeff: float def __init__(self, coeff: float = 0.97) -> None: super().__init__() self.coeff = coeff @classmethod def from_preemphasize(cls, preemphasize: Preemphasize) -> Self: return cls(preemphasize.coeff) def forward(self, sig: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: return pytorch_preemphasize(sig, self.coeff)
[docs] def pytorch_dither(sig: torch.Tensor, coeff: float = 1.0) -> torch.Tensor: """Functional implementation of PyTorchDither""" return sig + coeff * torch.randn_like(sig)
[docs] class PyTorchDither(torch.nn.Module): """PyTorch implementation of Dither Add random, normally-distributed noise to a signal Parameters ---------- coeff The standard deviation of the noise dim The dimension to apply noise to. If unspecified, applied to all coefficients Notes ----- While it is usually the case in PyTorch that random noise is only added during training, dithering serves a """ __constants__ = ("coeff",) coeff: float def __init__(self, coeff: float = 1.0): check_positive("coeff", coeff, True) super().__init__() self.coeff = coeff @classmethod def from_dither(cls, dither: Dither) -> Self: return cls(dither.coeff) def forward(self, sig: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: return pytorch_dither(sig, self.coeff)
@torch.jit.script_if_tracing def pytorch_stft_frame_computer( sig: torch.Tensor, filters: List[torch.Tensor], offsets: List[int], frame_length: int, frame_shift: int, centered: bool = True, window: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, dft_size: Optional[int] = None, use_log: bool = True, use_power: bool = False, include_energy: bool = False, kaldi_shift: bool = False, is_real: bool = True, eps: float = config.LOG_FLOOR_VALUE, ) -> torch.Tensor: """Functional implementation of PyTorchShortTimeFourierTransformFrameComputer""" if dft_size is None: dft_size_ = int(2 ** math.ceil(math.log(frame_length, 2))) elif dft_size < frame_length: raise RuntimeError(f"expected dft_size gte {frame_length}; got {dft_size}") else: dft_size_ = dft_size num_filts = len(filters) if num_filts != len(offsets): raise RuntimeError( f"filters ({num_filts}) has different length than offsets " f"({len(offsets)})" ) if sig.ndim != 1: raise RuntimeError(f"Expected x to be 1-dimensional; got {sig.ndim}") if window is not None and window.shape != (frame_length,): raise RuntimeError( f"Expected window to have shape {(frame_length,)}; got {window.shape}" ) sig_len = sig.size(0) if sig_len < frame_length // 2 + 1: return sig.new_empty((0, num_filts)) zero = sig.new_zeros(1) if not centered: pad_left = 0 elif kaldi_shift: pad_left = frame_length // 2 - frame_shift // 2 else: pad_left = (frame_length + 1) // 2 - 1 num_frames = max(0, (sig_len + frame_shift // 2) // frame_shift) total_len = (num_frames - 1) * frame_shift - pad_left + frame_length pad_right = max(0, total_len - sig_len) if pad_left or pad_right: # symmetric padding sig = [sig[:pad_left].flip(0), sig, sig[sig_len - pad_right :].flip(0)] ) sig = sig.as_strided((num_frames, frame_length), (frame_shift, 1)) y: List[torch.Tensor] = [] if include_energy: energy = torch.linalg.norm(sig, 2, 1) / math.sqrt(frame_length) if use_power: energy = energy.square() y.append(energy) if window is not None: sig = sig * window spect = torch.fft.rfft(sig, dft_size_, 1, "backward") del sig half_len = spect.size(1) mod = half_len % 2 for si, filt in zip(offsets, filters): val, consumed, conj, filt_len = zero, 0, False, len(filt) while consumed < filt_len: if conj: seg_len = max(min(si + filt_len - consumed, half_len - 2 + mod) - si, 0) seg = spect[..., -2 + mod - si - seg_len : -2 + mod - si].conj().flip(1) si -= half_len - 2 + mod else: seg_len = max(0, min(si + filt_len - consumed, half_len) - si) seg = spect[..., si : si + seg_len] si -= half_len seg = seg * filt[consumed : consumed + seg_len] if use_power: val_f = torch.linalg.norm(seg, 2, 1).square() else: val_f = seg.abs().sum(1) if is_real: val_f = val_f * 2 val = val + val_f conj = not conj consumed += seg_len si = max(0, si) y.append(val) y_ = torch.stack(y, 1) if use_log: y_ = y_.clamp_min(eps).log() return y_
[docs] class PyTorchShortTimeFourierTransformFrameComputer(torch.nn.Module): """PyTorch implementation of STFTFrameComputer This module is a port of :class:`pydrobert.speech.compute.ShortTimeFourierTransformFrameComputer` to PyTorch. When called, the output should be nearly identical to a call to :func:`ShortTimeFourierTransformFrameComputer.compute_full`, except :class:`torch.Tensor` inputs and outputs are expected. The easiest means of initializing this module is through the factory function :func:`from_numpy_frame_computer`, which determines the below parameters from an :class:`STFTFrameComputer` which has already been initialized. The filters and window are learnable/adjustable. Be sure to disable gradients with :func:`torch.no_grad` if a fixed feature representation is desirable. Parameters ---------- offsets_and_truncated_filters A sequence of pairs ``(offset, truncated_filter)``. `truncated_filter` is a one-dimensional tensor of the non-zero frequency response of a single filter in the bank. `offset` is the index in the short-time spectrum at which the `truncated_filter` begins. frame_length The number of audio samples constituting a frame. frame_shift The number of audio samples between subsequent frames. frame_style If ``'causal'``, the first frame begins at sample ``0``. Otherwise, the first frame is centered around sample ``0`` with the exact behaviour dictated by the `kaldi_shift` flag. window If specified, a tensor of shape ``(frame_length,)`` containing the windowing function. If unspecified, implicit rectangular windowing will be performed (with no gradient). dft_size The size of the spectrum to compute for each frame. Must be greater than or equal to `frame_length`. If unspecified, the first power of two at or beyond the frame length will be chosen. use_log Whether to take the logarithm of the resulting representation use_power Take the power spectrum instead of the magnitude spectrum include_energy Whether to add a coefficient at index 0 corresponding to the frame-wise energy of the signal kaldi_shift Dictates how to center frames when `frame_style` is :obj:`'centered'`. If :obj:`True`, the k-th frame will be computed using the signal between ``signal[ k * frame_shift - frame_length // 2 + frame_shift // 2:k * frame_shift + (frame_length + 1) // 2 + frame_shift // 2]``. These are the frame bounds for Kaldi [povey2011]_. Otherwise, the k-th frame is ``signal[ k * frame_shift - (frame_length + 1) // 2 + 1: k * frame_shift + frame_length // 2 + 1]``. is_real Whether the filters are real in the time domain. If :obj:`True`, coefficients will be doubled (pre-log) to account for Hermitian symmetry. """ __constants__ = ( "centered", "dft_size", "frame_length", "frame_shift", "offsets", "include_energy", "use_log", "use_power", ) centered: bool dft_size: int frame_length: int frame_shift: int offsets: Tuple[int, ...] include_energy: bool use_log: bool use_power: bool kaldi_shift: bool is_real: bool def __init__( self, offsets_and_truncated_filters: Sequence[Tuple[int, torch.Tensor]], frame_length: int, frame_shift: int, frame_style: Literal["centered", "causal"] = "centered", window: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, dft_size: Optional[int] = None, use_log: bool = True, use_power: bool = False, include_energy: bool = False, kaldi_shift: bool = False, is_real: bool = False, ) -> None: offsets, filters = [], [] for i, (offset, filter) in enumerate(offsets_and_truncated_filters): if filter.ndim != 1: raise ValueError(f"filter {i} is not a vector") elif not filter.size(0): raise ValueError(f"filter {i} is empty") check_positive(f"filter {i} offset", offset, True) offsets.append(offset) filters.append(filter) check_positive("frame_length", frame_length) check_positive("frame_shift", frame_shift) check_in("frame_style", frame_style, {"causal", "centered"}) if window is not None: if window.shape != (frame_length,): raise ValueError( f"Expected window.shape to be ({frame_length},); got {window.shape}" ) if dft_size is None: dft_size = 2 ** math.ceil(math.log(frame_length, 2)) elif dft_size < frame_length: raise ValueError( f"Expected dft_size to be gte {frame_length}; got {dft_size}" ) super().__init__() self.frame_length, self.frame_shift = frame_length, frame_shift self.offsets, self.centered = tuple(offsets), frame_style == "centered" self.dft_size, self.use_log, self.use_power = dft_size, use_log, use_power self.kaldi_shift, self.is_real = kaldi_shift, is_real self.include_energy = include_energy self.filters = torch.nn.ParameterList(filters) if window is None: self.register_parameter("window", None) else: self.window = torch.nn.Parameter(window)
[docs] @classmethod def from_stft_frame_computer( cls, computer: STFTFrameComputer, filter_type: torch.dtype = torch.cfloat, window_type: torch.dtype = torch.float, ) -> Self: """Create an instance using an STFTFrameComputer Parameters ---------- computer The initialized instance to pull parameters from filter_type The data type to store filter parameters as window_type The data type to store the window parameter as """ filters = [ (o, torch.tensor(x, dtype=filter_type)) for (o, x) in zip(computer._filt_start_idxs, computer._truncated_filts) ] frame_length = computer.frame_length frame_shift = computer.frame_shift frame_style = computer._frame_style window = torch.tensor(computer._window, dtype=window_type) dft_size = computer._dft_size use_log = computer._log use_power = computer._power include_energy = computer._include_energy kaldi_shift = computer._kaldi_shift is_real = computer._real return cls( filters, frame_length, frame_shift, frame_style, window, dft_size, use_log, use_power, include_energy, kaldi_shift, is_real, )
def forward(self, signal: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: return pytorch_stft_frame_computer( signal, list(self.filters), self.offsets, self.frame_length, self.frame_shift, self.centered, self.window, self.dft_size, self.use_log, self.use_power, self.include_energy, self.kaldi_shift, self.is_real, )
PyTorchSTFTFrameComputer = PyTorchShortTimeFourierTransformFrameComputer
[docs] class PyTorchPostProcessorWrapper(torch.nn.Module): """A PyTorch wrapper around a PostProcessor This module merely casts incoming tensors to a :class:`numpy.ndarray`, runs :func:`` on the result, then casts it back into a tensor. Most :class:`PostProcessor` classes have been reimplemented in :mod:`pydrobert.torch` with a bona fide PyTorch implementation, which should be preferred. """ __constants__ = ("postprocessor",) postprocessor: PostProcessor def __init__(self, postprocessor: PostProcessor): super().__init__() self.postprocessor = postprocessor @classmethod def from_postprocessor(cls, postprocessor: PostProcessor) -> Self: return cls(postprocessor) @torch.jit.unused def _postprocessor_appy(self, sig: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: if sig.device.type != "cpu": warnings.warn( "PyTorchPostProcessorWrapper being used on non-cpu tensor. Will " "send to cpu for computations, then back" ) return torch.tensor( self.postprocessor.apply(sig.cpu().numpy()), device=sig.device, dtype=sig.dtype, ) def forward(self, sig: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: return self._postprocessor_appy(sig)
[docs] class PyTorchShortIntegrationFrameComputer(torch.nn.Module): """PyTorch implementation of SIFrameComputer This module is a port of :class:`pydrobert.speech.compute.ShortIntegrationFrameComputer` to PyTorch. When called, the output should be nearly identical to a call to :func:`ShortIntegrationFrameComputer.compute_full`, except :class:`torch.Tensor` inputs and outputs are expected. Warnings -------- This module is currently a mere wrapper around a :class:`ShortIntegrationFrameComputer` instance. While we plan on reimplementing the computer with bona fide PyTorch operations at a later date, for now, relying on the factory function :func:`from_si_frame_computer` is the best way to ensure forward compatibility. In addition, the module state dict cannot be saved nor loaded to ensure forward compatibility. """ si_frame_computer: SIFrameComputer def __init__(self, si_frame_computer: SIFrameComputer): super().__init__() self.si_frame_computer = si_frame_computer @classmethod def from_si_frame_computer(cls, si_frame_computer: SIFrameComputer) -> Self: return cls(si_frame_computer) def state_dict(self): raise NotImplementedError def load_state_dict(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError @torch.jit.unused def _compute_full(self, sig: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: return torch.tensor( self.si_frame_computer.compute_full(sig.cpu().numpy()), device=sig.device, dtype=sig.dtype, ) def forward(self, sig: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: return self._compute_full(sig)
PyTorchSIFrameComputer = PyTorchShortIntegrationFrameComputer